As Kowloon East evolves into a well-established CBD, it is fast becoming one of Hong Kong’s most vibrant business and culture hubs, driven by the pioneering Smart City initiative. With the launch of “Energising Kowloon East”, the area has become a new office hub with an abundant supply of Grade A office.
With projected total Grade A office stock in Kowloon East set to reach 20.9 million NFA sq. ft. in 2027¹, together with an array of new infrastructure, Kowloon East will definitely become premier CBD to attract tenants. Taking part in the Kowloon East’s transformation, the premium location and state-of-the-art facilities of Landmark East make it the perfect choice in this dynamic and exciting new hub.
- The research report entitled “Grade A office: Leveraging Hong Kong’s business districts” dated December 2022 as issued by an independent property consultant

Landmark East is the perfect location for businesses seeking unparalleled transportation convenience. With multiple transportation options available, including Kwun Tong and Ngau Tau Kok MTR stations, bus routes, Kwun Tong Ferry Pier and in close proximity to Eastern Harbour Crossing and Tseung Kwan O-Lam Tin Tunnel, reaching anywhere in Hong Kong is fast and easy. The connectivity of Kowloon East will be further enhanced with new infrastructure and services, including Trunk Road T2 under construction², introduction of electric bus/minibus, proposed water taxi service and travellator network³.

A good work-life balance means you have harmony between the different aspects of your life. Discover a world of leisure just steps away from the Landmark East. Take a leisurely stroll, a pleasant jog, or enjoy various outdoor activities at the fascinating InPark or one kilometer harbor-side Kwun Tong Promenade nearby. And when you're ready for more off-work adventure, check out some of the nearby landmarks in the vicinity such as the Kai Tak Sky Garden and Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Park. The Water Sport Centre⁴ is planned to provide water recreational activities. The GreenWay network is proposed to integrate cycle track into the surrounding environment, enhance the connectivity of various open spaces in the district³. Your options for relaxation and excitement are endless in this vibrant community.

Located in the heart of one of Hong Kong's foodie hotspots, Landmark East is surrounded by a various dining options that cater to every palate and occasion. From local street food to specialty restaurants, there's something to satisfy every craving. And when you're looking for a more refined dining experience, the exquisite restaurants at the nearby Nina Hotel and Holiday Inn are just a stone's throw away. Situated in this gourmet hotspot, Landmark East offers the perfect location for tenants to explore culinary delights.

Indulge in a world of retail therapy at Kowloon East, where exceptional shopping mall, offering over 1 million retail space⁵, await just steps from Landmark East. You will be within a 5-minute walk of both the popular APM shopping mall, another shopping mall YM2 is just within 10 minutes by walk⁶. New signature shopping mall The Millennity is expected to be opened soon⁵. What’s more, there are plenty of home design stores, lifestyle shops, galleries and more, the neighborhood is a hidden gem offering an array of shopping and leisure experiences.
- The website of Truck Road T2 & Cha Kwo Ling Tunnel website https://www.trunkroadt2.hk . The information is for reference only. For any details and the latest change, please refer to the aforementioned website.
- The website of Environmentally Friendly Linkage System for Kowloon East at http://www.ktd.gov.hk/efls. The information is for reference only. For any details and the latest change, please refer to the aforementioned website.
- The website of Hong Kong Water Sports Council https://zh.hkwsc.org . The information is for reference only. For any details and the latest change, please refer to the aforementioned website.
- The website of APM https://www.hkapm.com.hk and the press release of “The Millennity” https://www.shkp.com/zh-HK/media/press-releases/the-millennity-sun-hung-kai-properties-striking-commercial-landmark . The information is for reference only. For any details and the latest change, please refer to the aforementioned website.
- The walking time indicates the estimated walking time from various locations as indicated to Landmark East and is reference to Google map. The estimated walking time is for reference only and may be varied depending upon the prevailing road and traffic conditions, weather and walking route taken.